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Сlarifications re. grounds for revocation of HQS work permits

One of the grounds for revocation of a foreign citizen's work permit is the stay of a foreign citizen outside the Russian Federation for more than six months (para. 9, part. 9 art. 18 of the Federal Law as of 25 July 2002 № 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation"). It is important to understand how this term is calculated. To obtain relevant clarifications we applied the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow.

At the reception of citizens on the issue of labor migration, Deputy Head of the Department Dudnik I. N. said that the six-month period is a continuous term, which counts from the date of departure of a foreign citizen from the Russian Federation. Accordingly, if a foreign citizen enters the Russian Federation, this period is interrupted and it will be counted again from the departure day of a foreign citizen.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that these clarifications were given orally and are not mandatory for application as the legislation does not directly regulate the calculation of this period. Therefore, our company is not responsible for the possible consequences if the migration authority will calculate the specified period in another way while checking the documents of a company and a foreign employee.