
Electronic visas to the Russian Federation

2022-08-17 19:43
According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2571-r dated 06.10.20, from February 04, 2021, citizens of 52 countries, including EU countries, will be able to apply for an electronic single-entry visa to enter the territory of the Russian Federation. The period of stay on an electronic visa will not exceed sixteen days.

A single electronic visa can be issued for entry into and stay in the Russian Federation on a guest or business visit, as a tourist, as well as for participation in scientific, cultural, socio-political, economic, sports events and the implementation of relevant contacts and contacts. At the same time, for its registration, it will not be necessary to provide information about the purpose of the trip and about the inviting organization (individual).

The consular fee for issuing an electronic visa will be $ 40, and the processing period will not exceed four calendar days from the date of application.