
On May 15, 2019, at the initiative of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, a meeting of the Department's employees with representatives of the Russian-Germ

2022-08-17 18:27
On May 15, 2019, at the initiative of the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, a meeting of the Department's employees with representatives of the Russian-German VTP, as well as representatives of other business associations and international companies took place.

The meeting was attended by Igor Nikolaevich Dudnik, Deputy Head of the Department, and Vadim Vasilyevich Skvortsov, Head of the Labor Migration Department.

The meeting was devoted to the transfer of powers to serve business associations from the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the UVM of the GU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow. The reason for the transfer of powers is the decision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in connection with the "uncharacteristic function of the central office for the provision of services."

At the meeting, the main approaches to working with business associations, issues of their practical implementation, and building interaction were outlined.

Acceptance of documents for work permits, as well as invitations to enter for foreign workers-highly qualified foreign specialists (hereinafter referred to as VKS) and other foreign workers from member companies of associations will be carried out at the Multifunctional Migration Center (hereinafter referred to as MMC) in Moscow, located in the village of Sakharovo (64 km of the Warsaw Highway). At the same time, the allocation of special windows for submitting documents from associations is not provided. It is possible, however, that for authorized representatives of associations, separate coupons will be allocated for an individual queue.

Representatives of the migration authority noted that they are aware of the problem of the remoteness of the migration center, in connection with which it is planned to issue ready-made work permits and entry invitations for foreign VCS at the address: 42 Pokrovka str., Moscow. Due to the density of premises at this address, it is not possible to transfer part of the department there for the purposes of receiving documents for permits and invitations. It is also impossible due to the fact that the documents of strict reporting on work permits are stored in the migration center.

It was also noted that the modern technical equipment of the migration authority does not allow to specify the readiness of permits electronically, however, delays in the issuance of documents are not expected.

In addition to general information, representatives of the migration authority answered questions from representatives of associations.

As part of the questions asked, the following information was provided:
the issuance of work permits by proxy, as before, is not allowed, the personal presence of a foreign VKS is required. As already noted, this problem is solved by issuing permits in the center of Moscow on Pokrovka St.;
acceptance of documents on the VKS will be carried out selectively – the procedure for accepting documents through a "separate window" from associations with the subsequent possibility of obtaining ready-made documents in Moscow will apply exclusively to top management of companies, as well as for other significant positions (the decision to accept documents will be made subjectively at the reception of documents in the Moscow MMC in Sakharovo). Other VKS positions will be issued in the usual order in the general queue. There are no exact criteria or a list of positions accepted on the principle of a "separate window". The associations will have to re-coordinate with the Ministry of Internal Affairs the lists of companies and the names of foreign employees who are planned to be declared as top managers. At the same time, the possibility of accepting more than 3 sets of documents for one coupon is being discussed;
the acceptance of documents for work permits and invitations for members of associations will be carried out simultaneously at the migration center within the framework of a "one window", that is, through an authorized representative of the association. At the same time, the allocation of special windows for business associations in Sakharovo is not provided. Submission of documents for accompanying family members of such foreigners will also be possible within the framework of the above-mentioned procedure;
the fundamental importance of timely quarterly notification of the payment of wages to foreign HQs was noted. These notifications, as well as notifications on the conclusion/termination of an employment contract / service agreement with a foreign citizen, are either delivered in paper form to the migration center, or sent by Russian post to the address: Moscow, B. Ordynka str., 16/4, p. 4. It is also noted that if there is an error in the notifications sent by the Russian post, the notification is considered not sent, which is a violation of migration legislation. Territorial migration departments are notified only on patents, as well as to foreign citizens residing in the Russian Federation on the basis of a RVP and a residence permit;
due to the fact that the UVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow does not yet have access to the database of permits issued by the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the submission of documents for the extension of work permits issued by the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is impossible, it is recommended to issue work permits  on the principle of primary registration of work permits for foreign VCS;
making changes (correction) to work permits already issued by the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will still be issued through the GUVM of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the address: Moscow, Boyarsky Lane, house 4;
on an individual basis, the possibility of extending the residence permit will be discussed if the deadline for such an extension is missed;
the commitment to this format of meetings with business associations was noted and a preliminary date for a new meeting was proposed – June 26, information about which, as well as about the new procedure for accepting documents from business associations and a list of submitted documents will be sent to their representatives by e-mail.