The list of travel purposes and visa types has been changed
2022-08-17 19:52
On February 08, 2021, the Order of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 23235 of 12/21/2020 (hereinafter referred to as the "Order") came into force, approving the list of travel purposes used when issuing and issuing visas to foreign citizens. As a result of the entry into force of the Order, the names of the purposes of trips that are indicated in invitations and visas have been changed. This information must be taken into account when submitting documents.
The new list contains significantly fewer types of travel purposes (many categories are combined / generalized for simplification), in addition, there are no indications of the validity of many categories of visas.
A significant change is that instead of a business visa for the purpose of a "maintenance" trip, a separate category of a work visa for the purpose of "installation work" has appeared with a similar description of the activity. According to our data, despite the fact that a work visa will be issued, the need to obtain a work permit (PHP) for this category of foreign citizens will not be introduced.
We also draw your attention to the fact that the Order significantly restricts the circle of persons who can enter the Russian Federation on business and work visas as accompanying family members. So, only: members of the VKS family will be able to enter on working visas; family members of foreign citizens who have entered into an employment contract related to the implementation of an investment project with a resident of TOSER located on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District, or with a resident of the free port of Vladivostok; family members of persons entering for the purposes of trips "techsotrudnik media" and "media correspondent". Only those who accompany employees of foreign companies who have concluded an investment agreement on the implementation of an investment project in the Far Eastern Federal District will be able to enter on business visas. According to our information, due to the changes made and the corresponding update of computer systems, the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow has suspended the acceptance of documents for issuing invitations for all types of visas, at least until February 15, 2021. Consular offices are currently also in the process of updating computer systems, in this regard, we assume possible delays in issuing visas.