
On January 9, 2018, amendments to the Federal Law of December 10, 2003 No. 173-FZ "On currency regulation and currency control" entered into force

In particular, now all citizens of the Russian Federation are currency residents of Russia, regardless of their place of residence. Thus, with the exception of certain cases stipulated by law, all currency transactions between Russian citizens are prohibited. However, there is an exception. It concerns those Russian citizens who, in total, stay outside of Russia for more than 183 days during a calendar year: such entities are not obliged to comply with the requirements established by article 12 of the said law on the procedure for opening accounts with banks located outside Russia, conducting currency transactions on them and providing reports on the movement of funds on these accounts. In addition, such entities can perform any currency transactions among themselves. At the same time, the specified status of a "special resident" is established based on the results of a calendar year, and not when performing a currency transaction.

In addition, all Russian citizens now have the right to:

· Pay for goods and services in the Russian Federation from their accounts opened in foreign banks;
· Do not present a copy of the tax authority's notification to an authorized Russian bank at the first transfer from an account with this bank to your account opened with a foreign bank;
· Receive income from the sale of vehicles or real estate registered in an OECD or FATf member country to a non-resident in a foreign bank account.